Is there any other time of year as busy as this one? I feel like I blinked and now it’s nearly three weeks into December. I wish I could say the rest of the month is going to quiet down but I am getting on a plane in three days so there’s packing to do and a million other things I want some little elves to march in and do for me! Since that’s not likely to happen I’m going to have to get my act in gear.
But let’s focus on fun stuff and at the top of that list for me is always D’Vaire. I finished a full-length novel this month and wrote the first short story in the series that is all about the holidays. It’s not a romance but a peek into what happens when the D’Vaires invite the whole gang over to their house to celebrate. It’s mostly told from Aleksander’s point of view and I enjoyed stepping into his shoes for more than a single chapter. With some luck, I hope to get it to you next year.
I gave it to my husband to read yesterday while he sat around waiting for me at the hairdresser and he came running over as my gray hair was being cowed into behaving my hair dye because he was so excited about one season. Since it’s the first short and doesn’t focus on a mated pair I was concerned it was just silly but I’m feeling better about it after his reaction.
My confidence took a hit this week when I broke an author rule and read a bad review. None of my books have a lot of them so each one is precious to the overall rating on the book. One reader just didn’t like Disregarding Fate (#8) and gave it a single star. I regret allowing it to get under my skin. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that, so I should’ve stayed far, far away.
Moving on, I am super excited to tell you that next month Book 10 is coming out! The Summoner’s Path will be available on January 17th and I’ll put it up for pre-order a few days prior for those us that like to have it download the minute it becomes available. As you’ve probably guessed, this is Grand Summoner Dre’Kariston D’Vaire’s story. It’s full of twists and turns and I hope you like it!
I want to thank all of my readers for making 2018 the best D'Vaire one yet. Thanks to you I have tons of plans for the future and will be able to bring you plenty more fantastic couples. If you've already celebrated your holidays these season I hope you made some beautiful new memories. Should you be still awaiting your special day or days, have a wonderful time!
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