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Showing posts from July, 2020

Two wizards and a weird neighbor...

When I outlined Marked by Lightning , I didn’t anticipate creating a new household in the D’Vaire universe, but somehow a group of guys blossomed into a family. There are some intriguing new personalities to explore and I look forward to learning more about them. I have no clue who their mates are yet, but I’m sure they’ll let me know when they’re ready to jump into the fray. As for the story of our two wizards, I was happy to finally be able to give Vadimas a happy ending. From the start of the series, he’s been a reliable constant and it seemed only fair that his time came to find his mate. Over the years, Severin has always been his other half, but his personality has morphed significantly. Vadimas had a lot of issues trying to decide what would make him happy, so poor Severin had to be recreated multiple times. In the end, I hope I found a formula that will create a successful matebond for them. Their playlist was fueled by Vadimas’s secret love for Disney movies and by the end