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Showing posts from April, 2022

Some endings are really beginnings

Putting together my thoughts for this blog wasn’t easy. While my anxiety and I regularly approach release days with varying levels of dread, Venerably Daray made me decidedly queasy. It wasn’t because I second guessed my decisions—for me, the story dictates everything. I do not sway my characters from telling their tale. Although I generally know the reason behind the events, those may not be revealed for a few books or many. The storyline for  Venerably Daray wasn't straightforward. I was thrilled with Samson and Brynn’s love story when I completed the novel. But there were other parts of the book that bugged me and there were many, many revisions. I still wasn't satisfied so I stepped away from it. As the weeks passed, I looked to other projects and got some much-needed clarity. The result was the full story of Venerably Daray and the lives of the reapers. One worry I had was that the events that unfolded after the matebond ceremony would somehow take away from what the boo