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Showing posts from May, 2020

Two elves, a centaur, and an enviable collection of toys...

Unpredictable Fate was an interesting journey. When I started Disregarding Fate , I had an idea of what Evlithar’s life was like and why he made the decisions that he did. Evlithar wasn’t perfect and he wasn’t always right, but when I neared the end, I found myself altering aspects I thought long ago decided. The birth of Kalthekor’s child sent him reeling and he changed drastically. By the time I completed Evlithar and Cadlyr’s journey I was feeling rather sorry for Kalthekor. But I set it aside. He had a mate and unfortunately, she did not make him happy. When we got to the editing stage of Disregarding Fate , Hope (one of my editors) mentioned how bad she felt for him too and was there something that could be done to help him. Although I could understand and appreciate her point of view, Fate’s choice had been made. I moved on but it festered in my brain. Out of nowhere a centaur charged in and nothing would ever be the same. I grew excited about the idea of giving Kalthe