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Showing posts from May, 2021

Masquerading as a dragon

The Dragon Masquerade came out last week, and I want to thank everyone who read it! I had fun visiting with Aleksander and Rafe, and although it was supposed to center exclusively around them, it was awesome to hear from voices I haven’t been able to work into previous novels. As for our High Kings, I can never resist them and hope they come back for many more stories. I will always need more Rafe and Aleksander! I talked a lot about short stories and my issues with them in my last blog, so I won’t bore you with it all again. I have one more short story written, and it’s my first one that is centered on two mates finding each other, which will be out much later this year.  My brain likes to complicate things in such a way that it’s difficult for me to narrow my focus and craft smaller projects. I’m also a fast reader and have always been drawn to longer books. I just hate for a good story to end! That being said, I’m really a minion to these guys and I let them get away with whatever