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Showing posts from November, 2021

Demons, Death, and Darays

I enjoy trying new things as I create new stories in the D’Vaire world, and Demonically Daray was another first for me. Although it was my fourth short, I hadn’t attempted to write a romantic one prior to Hexaniys and Eduard’s story. It wasn’t easy for me. I like diving deep into projects and exploring the facets of the characters. They aren’t a new couple. Eduard rushed to tell me all about his other half immediately after he first showed up in my head many years ago. Initially, their plot was far more complicated, but since it wound up coming so far into the series, much of the original story was no longer possible or relevant to the D’Vaire world now. I kept trying to force them into uncomfortable situations to create something far longer, but Eduard and Hexaniys weren’t having it. They are a couple who adored each other, so I had to switch my mindset to accommodate them. I’m happy with the result and there are more demons ahead, but there will probably always be a part of me that f