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Showing posts from March, 2019

A vampire, a dark wizard, and their imperfect playlist...

Seven days ago, I released Delaney and Grigori’s story and I wanted to thank everyone who either bought the book or read it through Kindle Unlimited. It warms my heart to know that after eleven books into this series, you’re still picking them up and hopefully enjoying them. I appreciate your interest in every story and I’m incredibly grateful to have you as readers! ❤ Last time I put together a blog, I was bitching because I couldn’t get my mind to settle and I hadn’t written anything in a while. I can happily tell you that I started the seventeenth book on Monday. One of its main characters you’ve already met since he’s related to and has visited D’Vaire on many occasions. This guy was never on my radar as someone who would get a book. He was simply a secondary voice that was needed for another plot.  However, one of my wonderful editors Hope wished that he got a happy ending. I hesitated as I was unsure if it would work, but once the idea was settled in my mind, I found a way

A bunch of nameless shifters...

In just a few days, Becoming D’Vaire will be up for pre-order. As I look forward to another book release, I find myself with an interesting issue today. I finished up the Imperial Duke’s story a couple of weeks ago and haven’t written a thing since. I couldn’t get my anxiety to calm down until my house was sparkling clean from top to bottom so it was impossible to concentrate, and I didn’t want to start a new story and have to immediately stop since my best friend was coming to visit. He left yesterday afternoon and we had a fantastic week visiting. So here I am sitting down for the first time trying to get back into the groove of things by starting with the outline for the next guys in my world. Things were flowing really well last night, and I have pages and pages of handwritten notes (which still aren’t typed up!). Today I can’t even decide on names for some of the secondary characters. But I’m not throwing in the towel and these jerks are going to get monikers. It’s incredibly f