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Demons, Death, and Darays

I enjoy trying new things as I create new stories in the D’Vaire world, and Demonically Daray was another first for me. Although it was my fourth short, I hadn’t attempted to write a romantic one prior to Hexaniys and Eduard’s story. It wasn’t easy for me. I like diving deep into projects and exploring the facets of the characters. They aren’t a new couple. Eduard rushed to tell me all about his other half immediately after he first showed up in my head many years ago.

Initially, their plot was far more complicated, but since it wound up coming so far into the series, much of the original story was no longer possible or relevant to the D’Vaire world now. I kept trying to force them into uncomfortable situations to create something far longer, but Eduard and Hexaniys weren’t having it. They are a couple who adored each other, so I had to switch my mindset to accommodate them.

I’m happy with the result and there are more demons ahead, but there will probably always be a part of me that feels like they weren’t treated fairly. It’s silly because I can’t make something out of nothing and they got the happily ever after they wanted, but guilt is as natural to me as Chander. I will not write another romantic short story again, and I haven't written anything besides novels since Demonically Daray. Whether I tackle another short again remains to be seen, but I'm at the mercy of my characters so who knows how the future will unfold!

So, the big question? What’s up with that epilogue? I can’t tell you much because I hate spoilers, but I don’t want you to think that I’ll leave you hanging forever. Death and her sisters are far too impatient for that and so am I. But when and how we learn more about their discussion in the series will have to remain a mystery for now.

Which leads us to what is next for D’Vaire. It’s difficult for me to believe, but I only have one release left this year. Book twenty-six will be available in December. It features someone you’ve met recently along with another man who has yet to appear in the series. I know that’s vague as hell, but for those in my Facebook group, you’ll get a picture hint along with the blurb tomorrow. 

Looking farther ahead into the future, I recently wrapped up the thirty-second novel. It took me a couple of extra weeks than I expected, but those things happen sometimes. That’s one of the big reasons I write so far ahead, it allows me not to go into a blind panic or feel pressured to finish something.

That story features two people you’ll meet across the books I’m intending to publish next year and I hope you love them as much as I do. I’m on a mini break now, catching up with editing titles and a million other pesky, but highly necessary things that I put off when I’m deep in a novel. As for the next project, I’m getting really excited about who is jumping up to let me write his damn story.

I don’t want to be intentionally awful and tease you, but this is one of those guys I’ve wanted to bring to you forever, and he’s made it impossible. We’ve gone through several mates with this guy, and Fate and I finally figured out his perfect match. That doesn’t mean he’s ready for how his life is about to change, but I’m hoping he sticks around and lets me write his story. Over the past few days, he and his mate have been yammering at me, so I've got my fingers crossed because I think you guys have waited long enough for him to get his shit together.

After the release of book twenty-six in early December, I’ll write another blog post to fill you in on what to expect next year. I'm locking everything up with my editor this week and have all but the final project written. There are some great couples heading your way!

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